Landscape Architecture Award
North Rhine Westphalia 2022
BDLA North Rhine WestfaliaColliery Park Kamp-Lintfort
Exemplary building Baden-Wuerttemberg - County GoeppingenChamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg, County of GoeppingenGoeppingen Station Plaza / Station district
Federal Award GreenFederal Ministry of Housing Urban Development and ConstructionPulheim Northpark
German Urban Design Award 2020German Academy for Urban Design and Regional PlanningBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
Berlin Award 2021Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing BerlinBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
German Landscape Architecture Award (Nomination)BDLA GermanyColliery Park Kamp-Lintfort
Landscape Architecture AwardIFLA EuropeBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
Publication Award University of StuttgartUniversity of StuttgartGreen Infrastructure - From Green to Grey
Iconic Award 2018: Innovative Architecture - SelectionGerman Design CouncilCologne Ottoplaza
German Landscape Architecture Award 2017BDLA GermanyCologne Ottoplaza
Landscape Architecture Board CultureBDLA Baden-WuerttembergPark Bad Herrenalb
Landscape Architecture Award
North Rhine Westphalia 2014
BDLA North Rhine WestfaliaPulheim Northpark
Exemplary Buildings Award State of HessenChamber of Architects HessenKassel Bardeleben-Plaza
Regionale 2010Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaCologne Ottoplaza
Regionale 2011Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaPulheim Northpark
Regionale 2012Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaWindeck Hoeffer's Lake
Schinkel Prize Landscape ArchitectureArchitects and Engineers Association BerlinTeam
Landscape Architecture Award
North Rhine Westphalia 2022 / BDLA North Rhine Westfalia
Colliery Park Kamp-Lintfort
Exemplary building Baden-Wuerttemberg - County Goeppingen / Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg, County of GoeppingenGoeppingen Station Plaza / Station district
Federal Award Green / Federal Ministry of Housing Urban Development and ConstructionPulheim Northpark
German Urban Design Award 2020 / German Academy for Urban Design and Regional PlanningBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
Berlin Award 2021 / Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing BerlinBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
German Landscape Architecture Award (Nomination) / BDLA GermanyColliery Park Kamp-Lintfort
Landscape Architecture Award / IFLA EuropeBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
Publication Award University of Stuttgart / University of StuttgartGreen Infrastructure - From Green to Grey
Iconic Award 2018: Innovative Architecture - Selection / German Design CouncilCologne Ottoplaza
German Landscape Architecture Award 2017 / BDLA GermanyCologne Ottoplaza
Landscape Architecture Board Culture / BDLA Baden-WuerttembergPark Bad Herrenalb
Landscape Architecture Award
North Rhine Westphalia 2014 / BDLA North Rhine Westfalia
Pulheim Northpark
Exemplary Buildings Award State of Hessen / Chamber of Architects HessenKassel Bardeleben-Plaza
Regionale 2010 / Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaCologne Ottoplaza
Regionale 2011 / Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaPulheim Northpark
Regionale 2012 / Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaWindeck Hoeffer's Lake
Schinkel Prize Landscape Architecture / Architects and Engineers Association BerlinTeam
Landscape Architecture Award
North Rhine Westphalia 2022 / BDLA North Rhine Westfalia
Colliery Park Kamp-Lintfort
Exemplary building Baden-Wuerttemberg - County Goeppingen / Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg, County of GoeppingenGoeppingen Station Plaza / Station district
Federal Award Green / Federal Ministry of Housing Urban Development and ConstructionPulheim Northpark
German Urban Design Award 2020 / German Academy for Urban Design and Regional PlanningBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
Berlin Award 2021 / Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing BerlinBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
German Landscape Architecture Award (Nomination) / BDLA GermanyColliery Park Kamp-Lintfort
Landscape Architecture Award / IFLA EuropeBerlin Urban Design Ex-Flowermarket
Publication Award University of Stuttgart / University of StuttgartGreen Infrastructure - From Green to Grey
Iconic Award 2018: Innovative Architecture - Selection / German Design CouncilCologne Ottoplaza
German Landscape Architecture Award 2017 / BDLA GermanyCologne Ottoplaza
Landscape Architecture Board Culture / BDLA Baden-WuerttembergPark Bad Herrenalb
Landscape Architecture Award
North Rhine Westphalia 2014 / BDLA North Rhine Westfalia
Pulheim Northpark
Exemplary Buildings Award State of Hessen / Chamber of Architects HessenKassel Bardeleben-Plaza
Regionale 2010 / Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaCologne Ottoplaza
Regionale 2011 / Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaPulheim Northpark
Regionale 2012 / Chamber of Architects North Rhine WestfaliaWindeck Hoeffer's Lake
Schinkel Prize Landscape Architecture / Architects and Engineers Association BerlinTeam